Saturday 1 June 2013

Suicide - s/t and La Dusseldorf - Viva.

Suicide's Debut album is filled with sinister undertones. opener Ghost Rider pulsates along to an organ riff and drum machine and it really hits home as an opening track about what Suicide are really about. Martin Rev plays organ and programs the drum machines, whilst Alan Vega sings in his baritone, elvis impersonator voice. Rocket Usa rocks along, but Cheree is very nice to listen to. Johnny is ok. Girl ok. Frankie Teardrop is simply stunning and very eery, very confronting, hilarious actually. Che is ok. Cheree remix is actually great. I remember is ok. but the highlight of the album is the brilliant Keep Your dreams which is breathtaking. the last track on the album. I'm going to score this album very high based on the success of those few tracks that make thisalbum worth listening to. a mixture of electro, synth pop and a punk attitude very DIY. manufactured and soulless but the singing is filled with heart and soul. 9/10

Viva is a brilliant listen. it opens with track Viva the title track which is brilliant. White Overalls is punk injecteded bliss very reminiscent of Neu! '75 tracks like Hero etc. Rheinita is amazing. it builds up and then drops on this piano part then comes back in again. the last half of the album is good too. I Think Klas Dinger former Neu! member wants to create something uptempo with spiralling ascending melodies, pop orientated with rock and punk beats. and punk guitars of course and piano placed nicely amongst organ and synthesizer. 8/10

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