Saturday 8 June 2013

The Smiths - The Queen is Dead and My Bloody Valentine - Loveless

The Smith's album the queen is dead is a truly evocative listen. beautifully crafted pop songs, great lyrics, chiming guitar sounds know by the smiths on previous like their debut and meat is murder.  the first track opens with drumming cracks and its propelled along thunderous guitar. this is the closest they have come to sounding punk. Frankly Mr. Shankly is just joyous novelty pop for the adoring fan. I know its over is amazing, as Morrisey sings ''Oh Mother , I can feel / the soil falling over my head." its heartbreaking and depressing but its also tongue and cheek and hilarious. Never Had No one ever is similar but propelled by wicked parts thanks to Marr. Cemetry Gates is kinda of upbeat and jolly and is ultimately amazing in songcraft and composition.Bigmouth Stikres again is the closest thing they come to a hit single and pop song of sorts. The Boy with a thorn in his side is equally brilliant as to anything on here and shines with guitar plucking s and licks. Vicar in a tutu is good and also the biggest lament to going out There is a light that never goes out. ''Take me out /tonight'' Some Girls are bigger than others is a nice guitar jangle and hilarious lyrics. 10/10

My Bloody Valentine's Magnus opus is a shining light of guitar pop and noise rock. opening track Only shallow rocks along to a gigantic riff. loomer is very lo tempo and slow. touched is an instrumental. To here knows when is simply beautiful with glorious vocals. when you sleep is probably the best track on here with a recognisable guitar riff that sounds like flutes is so noisy. I only said is equally just as good. com in alone is good. sometimes is epicand expansive with just guitar flowing the beat on. blown a wish is brilliant and the female vocals of Bilinda Butcher really shine through on this track. what you want is good and the closing track Soon is a dancy beat inspired rocker. on loveless MBV really recreate the guitar as an instrument of different textures and subtle moments of passion, and its barely worn with time so far. 10/10

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